The Real Ghostbusters become the second cartoon characters to come across an ancestor of Ichabod Crane after the Scooby Doo crowd - in this, his great-something granddaughter relates the story of Ichabod, throwing in a new addition: Ichabod escaped the horseman and started a family, but twenty years later, the ghost returned. Today, he still appears, only he's traded in the horse for a motorcylcle. I wonder what the ghostly horse is haunting nowadays.
So, anyway, they pack up the group, get a grip, come equipped, grab the proton packs on their backs and then split, as they were wont to do.
According to wikipedia, some say that this show rivaled "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" in popularity, which I think is an odd thing to say. I think that this show was a good deal BETTER than TMNT, and that the toys were a LOT cooler, and the Ghostbusters cereal was a LOT better than any ninja turtle-related food, and, honestly, I didn't like the turtles that much even back then (in fact, at times, I really couldn't stand them), but this show never came close to TMNT in overall popularity - at least, not at my school. It's a shame, because, as these things go, the writing was really very good an there was a lot of creativity behind the shows.
Here's the episode!
I loved the Real Ghostbuster as a kid. I didn't like TMNT too much even though I had a lot of the toys. I also had the Ghostbusters toys. The cartoon used to scare me as a kid. It was really creepy. It seem though when it was changed to Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters that the stories started to be less creepy.
This show was tight. It really picked up steam in the second season. When they changed it to Slimer! and the Real Ghostbusters it appeared they had a younger target audience in mind.
The Headless Horseman Or Motorcyclist
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